We tailor our services to perfectly suit your needs.
Globalization and changing demographics have created new opportunities. We work in collaboration with our clients to ensure they achieve their objectives.
Luxembourg has become a mature and important professional financial center that over many years has attracted a large number of financial specialists from around the world.
• A privileged geographic location with long standing political and social stability.
• A Liberal legal environment.
• An Open-minded, multilingual population.
Our Values
UHY FINOVA S.à r.l. is a member of Urbach Hacker Young International Limited, a UK company, and forms part of the international UHY network of legally independent accounting and consulting firms. UHY is the brand name for the UHY international network. The services described herein are provided by the Firm and not by UHY or any other member firm of UHY. Neither UHY nor any member of UHY has any liability for services provided by other members.
The network for doing business
- A global network of auditing, accounting, tax and consulting firms;
- Over 9,500 professionals in more than 340 business centres across 100 countries;
- Commercially focused services for clients with international business interests;
- Comprehensive resources and capabilities.
In the International Accounting Bulletin World Survey 2023, UHY International ranks 20th largest accountancy network by fee income.